Great, but a bit scattered.
I definitely can tell how much effort you put into it, overall it's very high quality. What I would point out is that you have a lot of diverse elements going on ... and I don't feel like you do a great job of making them sound like they belong together. The epic solo vocal is a perfect example ... there's a section in there where, imo, the feel of the vocal line and the underlying music are very different (1:06 until about 1:45, when the strings come in and help bring the gap between the two). It's kind of jarring. Now, if that's what you're trying to do, create a high contrast, well then carry on. :) But the same category of thing shows up in other ways, like 3:23 where we're trucking along in one way and the just sort of cross-fade and we're heading in a different direction. The variety and multiple ideas is great, just think you could tie them into each other more consistently (the transition @ 5:00 is great, for example). The quality bar for this song is already quite high ... just trying to give a pointer for what you might do to top it. :) Great jarb!